Sunday, February 23, 2020

This Blood: Therapy Sessions pt. 2

I briefly talked about this before, but I think it would be good to talk about it a bit. At about age 4-5 I suffered some through some tough injuries that would affect me to this very day.
I fractured my skull 3 times. Yes I said three times. I was a very wild kid. The last time, however almost ended my life. I feel off the top of the top floor apartment stairs onto the concrete slab below, head first. My mom thought I was dead, I actually still remember waking up on the ground, my mom was crying trying to keep me awake. I remember asking “momma is this a dream?” And her reply still rings in my head. “No baby, this isn’t a dream.” Consequently, the fall dislodged my stapes bone, which left me deaf in my left ear, and still today I have no hearing in that ear. It makes things difficult, but I have become used to it. I usually have to read lips. As I said before, it has sort of made me a bit of a hermit. Large crowds kind of freak me out, I usually can’t hear every one, so I just keep to myself. Large rooms that echo especially make it difficult. Anyway, back to the story.

Our life in Morris Alabama hold probably the best memories for our family.
My mom started working as a sub for USPS, and Barry just started running his own landscape company.

Often times, Duju and Uncle Sam would come get us occasionally, we spent almost every summer with them.They did so much for us. We were always thrilled when we found out they were coming to get us. On other occasions Granny would come get us. She is an amazing woman. I learned so much from her. She was always teaching me about Jesus. The feeling of family was very rich during this time.

After Barry moved into the trailer park, he asked my mom to marry him. We were all so excited. The start of a new life, a new family. Looking back now, it’s very difficult for me to look at these memories. I just remember the anticipation of “what’s next” and the excitement of being a part of a family. Exciting times they were.

Soon after they were married, he was labeled as my step-dad, A term that I hate very much. He became a father to me , I had two fathers now.I did not choose that, that was the hand that I was dealt.

My dad would always come and get me about every other weekend, I enjoyed that. I really did, but I also missed my brother very much. I had a hard time understanding why dad couldn’t just live with us too. Obviously my age played a factor with that. I felt like I lived in two different worlds. One world had Mom, Barry, and bo. The other world had my dad. I really wanted to join the two.

We never had a dull moment. Bo and I were always having fun at that place. From playing in the woods, to playing games, playing with friends, to wrestling and playing with Barry, I cherish all these memories.

We moved into Barry’s trailer at that point, and that was awesome. I mean a trailer is a trailer, but It was nice. I had my own room now, and although small, it was enough for me, and it was right next to Bo’s room, which usually id get scared at night and end up in his bed, so I enjoyed that.
We were real good at letting our imaginations go wild.
We had a bunch of friends there, Bo’s best friend there was Rex, and my best friend was Matthew. We did everything together.
We would play G.I. Joe’s in the woods. If it were up to us we would love in the woods. We even found a small patch of woods behind our trailer. They were small pines at the time, probably 6-10 feet tall. We went to the center of those woods, and went to work. I don’t remember how we did it, but we cut down a bunch of those trees in the center, and made our own spot. From the outside of the woods, you couldn’t tell or see anything. Actually a couple of months ago I went to that trailer park, and found that patch of woods, huge trees now, with shorter trees in the center, made me laugh a little and reminisce.

I remember one occasion, bo and I found a huge vine in the woods, so we used it as a rope swing. I swear we were getting at least 10 feet up in the air. I was so much fun. The owner of the trailer park so I was having fun, And started screaming at us from his back porch telling us to stop and we can’t do that, we just need to get out of the woods. This is where I began noticing Barry as more than just A “step-dad” , but instead a Father. He was working out in the backyard and overheard the guy yelling at us. He instantly became angered, So Bo and I crouched in the woods and watched as Barry chewed out the owner. We felt protected, it was a awesome feeling.

I always got up every morning when mom was leaving for work. I would watch her from the window and cry. She started noticing that, So we begin having a little date every morning, She would get in her mail vehicle and she would go up the road and stop where I could see her from the window. And we would blow kisses at each other and waved at each other, every morning. Oftentimes she would even come back for one more hug. I loved my momma.
We had so many happy memories. I really wish I could travel back in time and hit the pause button so I could see her from the window one more time.

Our bond as brothers continued to grow. Our love for our mother always grew, and now our love and admiration for Barry started to grow.

Now I believe we are at the point when Bo and I started playing football.
Obviously we went to school, I remember a lot about that, but I’m not interested at this point in adding that to this story, because I want to focus on these important memories, and this tragic story.
Part 3 to follow.

This Blood: Therapy Sessions pt. 1

I’ve never written any kind of story, so I’m sure I’m gonna do a whole lot of things wrong on this.
At the very least it will maybe bring peace to myself, maybe a little “therapy session” as rapper NF calls it.
Spoiler alert , this doesn’t have a happy ending. Really no great meaning at the end. So if that’s what your looking for, you can find it somewhere else.
I want to tell you the story of the Williams family. The tragic story of the Williams family. Barry, Teresa and Bragan Williams, and how my brother (bo) and I fit into this tragedy. I just want to remember as much as I can, so this is the only way I know how.

I only know how to tell this story from one perspective, mine. So, let’s do this.
Therapy session begins now...
I was born Nov. 11 1989 to Marvin and Teresa Cole. My mother already had one son , my big brother Bo Holloway. My mom had a bit of a rocky ride with relationships to say the least.
So my mom and dad’s relationship didn’t last long, I would say they were married for a couple years.
Bo’s dad past away around the same time that mom divorced my dad. His death isn’t talked about much. Bo doesn’t really like talking about it, so I honor that.

My mom worked a bunch of jobs, so bo and I jumped around a lot. We stayed with my great aunt “Duju” quite a bit, as well as our grandmother “granny”. We had such fun just being boys. Our imaginations took us away from our unstable life. Everything was crazy around us, but we let our imaginations take us away to an amazing place. That’s just how we rolled. We always couldn’t wait for mom to get off work, we didn’t have much, but we had each other. That’s all we needed.

We moved a lot for awhile, I remember one place we called the “blue house”, mom rented it from this old dude who was super cool. He has a small “put put” joint and would always let us play. My aunt and uncle lived right next to us so that was cool.

At about 4 years of age, my brother at 9, this new guy started hanging around us and mom. I specifically remember his beard and his fro. It was awesome. A hairy, burly Italian stallion named Barry.
More and more he hung out with us, obviously at my age I couldn’t tell what was going on, but my mother had fallen in love with this guy. To be honest at first I didn’t like him. Mainly because I was a spoiled brat for the most part, and he wouldn’t let me be a spoiled brat, so that was no fun. Eventually I realized he was “cool”. about 1 year later, my world got a little more crazy. I had 3 separate head injuries. The last one almost killed me. I fell from a top floor apartment unto concrete, head first. Long story short I’m half deaf due to that. Also from that came social awkwardness, in a big room, there is a big echo like sound when a bunch of ppl are in it, and so I can’t hear anything anyone says, and it makes me anxious. So usually I’m a hermit. Anyway back to age 5. After almost dying, life went back to normal pretty much. Except we left that apartment complex, hallelujah.
Eventually we moved to morris, a small city north of Birmingham. In a trailer park , and boy did we have fun, there were so many kids. It was heaven to bo and I. This is really where I really start remembering things pretty well. Mom, bo , and I had such a great time with just us. I got to see my dad every other weekend so that was cool. Barry soon moved into the trailer park just a couple trailers up from us. This leads in to probably the best part of our life as a family. Part 2 soon to follow...