Saturday, November 9, 2013

Don't Swerve

1 Tim. 1:6-7
Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.

It is easy to judge people. It is not hard to look on another's sins and look down upon them. I used to do this as a sport. I desired to be a preacher, but I was much like the "certain persons" in this passage. I had no understanding regarding what I was saying or the things about which I made confident assertions. I was soiled with pride, and I would easily rebuke someone in their sin. Years later, having been through many sins, struggles, and failures, consequently, I am much more sympathetic and gracious knowing that I am not saved by good deeds, but am saved by God's grace. I sympathize with the "certain persons" in this passage and  a question arises in me while studying it. How can I keep from "swerving" from the gospel? I am not talking about losing my salvation, because I believe that to be an impossibility.I know first hand, however, a Christian can fall off of Christ path and stumble into a hole of sin where it seems there's no way to get out of it. In this case, these people, like myself, fell into a whole of legalism. How can I keep from letting this happening to me again? The answer seems simple, but very complex. I can keep from swerving away from the gospel by: Staying closing to the gospel, steering away from temptation, and satisfying myself with what God has sovereignly called me to do on this earth.

Certain persons,..

Anytime there is truth, there will be lies
Anytime there is happiness, there will be sadness
Anytime there is sanity, there will be madness
Anytime there is peace, there will be war
Anytime there is life, there will be death

God's truth is being proclaimed in Ephesus, and there are some straying from the gospel, and attempting to corrupt it with legalism.
Satan is always trying to distort the gospel.

 ...,by swerving from these,...

What were they swerving from?
The "these" is referring to verse 5 of this chapter, "Love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. As discussed in my last blog...

They swerved away from:
Love from a pure heart
Love from a good conscience
Love from a sincere faith

Simply put, they swerved away from the gospel of Jesus Christ

 ....,have wandered away....
It is a scary thing to wander. Most of the time, however, you don't realize you are wandering until after the fact. These people wandered away from the gospel, which much scarier. I have wander from the gospel as well. It is such a horrifying and miserable place to be wandering from Christ.

..into vain discussion..
They left the gospel for legalistic conversations and arguments. This is like choosing to no longer eat food and choosing rather to eat cardboard instead. It is beyond insane to leave Christ for anything.
Pride boils up and wants to voice its opinion on topics that are so stupid and meaningless compared to the gospel.
I used to live in an two bedroom apartment with one bathroom, and 6 roommates. I remember heated arguments, very heated arguments over pointless things: hair length, tattoos , holidays, what to eat or drink, what to wear, etc. They would go to the Bible and try to find a passage that would fit their argument. All the while, there was a world outside that needed Christ, but not a argument about food.

 ...,desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.

It is a wonderful thing to desire to be a preacher of God's word, however, consider James 3:1, Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

We are not all called to be pastors. Even if you are very good teacher, or public speaker, that doesn't qualify you. In the third chapter of 1st Timothy we a find a strict set of qualifications for pastors and deacons. God is very serious about who preaches and who does not.

These false teachers had good intentions, but good intentions do not make the actions good. They were not qualified by God to teach His word, yet they taught anyway. That is a very scary place to be.

I see many young men who have been saved and have a excitement about them. They want to share the gospel with everyone, and these young men believe because of that, consequently, they must be called to preach. NO. It might be that they are just Christians. As if that is not as awesome. They're are so many young men who are chasing after the wind. Have you considered that God might just have created you to be the teacher/leader of your household? He might have just called you to raise your children and to lovingly lead your wife in the ways of the Lord. Is that any less of a calling? No!! In fact, I believe there are too many men seeking to be preachers, and neglecting to teach their children and love their wife in truth.We are all called to be proclaimers of the gospel, but we are not all called to shepherd a flock of believers.

 Remember this, and also learn to respect, love, and pray for your pastor more. Realizing that he will "be judged with greater strictness".

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