Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Through the eyes of a three-year old

Oftentimes, I stare with amazement at my son, Conner.
 It is so much fun watching him grow, watching his mind grow.
 He is such a thinker (I'm not sure where he got that from),
and is always analyzing things. The things he is fascinated
by humble me at times. You know, the little things I always
look past, he always takes a second look at. Sticks, toys, ants.. etc. 
He looks with amazement a things I deem worthless,
because he can make use of them. He can make a stick
become a train track, or an arm off of a
 ninja turtle become a flying saucer that will hit me
in my happy place.
Nonetheless, its his imagination I am speaking of.
What happened to my imagination? I
 know all the obvious answers to that
("growing up", "responsibilities", "maturity"),
but in a real sense I believe it would help us all if we
revamped our imaginations, or rediscovered them for that matter.
Have you ever thought about how for the most part, children by
and large are usually the most happy, joyous, and smile-full?
 I would argue that they are that way because of their
amazing imaginations. They can forget about problems,
tragedies, and monsters, just by remembering that they
can make a mighty castle with some blankets and chairs.
 I believe God gave us our imaginations so we could
use our imaginations, not so we could give Adderall to
 people who use their imaginations to the fullest.
Think big, make up crazy stuff in your head, be weird,
and then your problems might not seem so bad anymore.
You might just find a solution to your problems by using your imagination.
Sometimes, I think it would help if we saw through the eyes of a three-year old.

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