Sunday, January 24, 2016

Death and the Sovereignty of God

It's been a bit easy for me to talk about stuff like this with people,
up until now. You really never know what is like until it visits you
personally. Three weeks ago, my mother died and my wife and I
suffered a miscarriage in the same week. I must be honest. I have
struggled with this deeply. My whole world was turned on its
head in just two days.

I saw my mom just a few days before, and then me, my brother,
and my uncle's were carrying her lifeless body unto the stretcher.
She was a wonderful woman. I don't know of any words that would
adequately describe how amazing she was.
That very night, my wife and I went to the hospital, due to some
concerns we had. We saw the little baby's heartbeat. The next day,
the baby was gone.

I did wonder where God was. I was so confused and heartbroken.
"Why has this happed to me and my family?"
"God, where are you?"
He was right beside me, the whole time .
I don't understand it all.
But here is what I do know:

When Joseph's brothers begged for forgiveness,
He said this :
"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it
for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve
many people alive." -Gen.50:20
God brought about Joseph being put into slavery,
being charged with attempted rape, imprisonment, and
eventually making him the ruler of Egypt basically, for his good.
To bring about the present result.

Solomon.. when thinking about God, he said this:
"There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink
and tell himself that his labor is good. This also  I have
seen that it is from the hand of God."- Eccl. 2:24
I see from this that God is very much involved with
the little things and the big things in my everyday life.

Paul, talking about the Sovereignty of God, says this:
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for
 good to those who love God, to those who are called according
His purpose." -Romans 8:28
Notice "God causes all things". Not just "good things",
"happy things", "peaceful things".

All Things,
 which would include the death of my sweet mother, and baby.
For my good.

Why must I think nothing bad should happen?
Am I really that naïve?
I'm living in a fallen and decaying world.
Did God ever promise bad things wouldn't happen?

Quite the contrary,
There are so many verses that could answer that.
He did promise me this:
"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may
have peace. In this world you will have tribulations; but
be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."- John 16:33

In the words of Job, I say:
"Naked I came from my mothers womb,
and naked I shall return there. The Lord gave
and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the
Lord." -Job 2:21

Isaiah 42:3

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